
Thursday, March 31, 2011


原来已经三月三十一日。不知不觉三月就这样过去了? 预期应该发生的事,并没有发生,果然只不过是胡话一番。瓶子没有天真的相信,只不过这几天就多了一个可以开玩笑的点。说也奇怪,写部落格写了这么多年,这一个月竟然是更新到最频密的一个月。似乎这一个月发生特别多事?? 并不其然,只不过这一个月多了是瓶子的日常生活,多的是为自己而写,少的是大道理,少的是为他人而写。看回去这一个月所写的,并没有什么大事(貌似),可是很多如果瓶子没有记下来,下一个星期,下一个月瓶子必定忘记的事。就好像三月十五号,原来瓶子对那件事的感觉这么深,还让自己写了下来。如果瓶子没有这么做,想必现在可能都忘记了……当然还有记下来的好处莫过于N年后再回顾,然后再痛快大笑一番自己的愚昧。再次,三月十五日的事情就能够证明,此时此刻瓶子就觉得自己干嘛对那件事那么耿耿于怀???才不过过了半个月,感受就全然不同了。哈!从emo,到瞒足,到开心,到正常,到生病……这一切好像都是一个月的循环,不断的循环。日复一日,年复一年。唉~




p/s:My love is just like a question without an answer.... *Super like*

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


一直以来都觉得水瓶座是一个很特别的星座……最大的可能性当然是因为瓶子自己本身是这个星座,所以难免对它情有独钟。很多人都说:“星座这事,不能尽信”。我说:“我没有尽信,只不过参考”。 每每看星座介绍或运程,都选择相信。瓶子当然知道命运其实掌握在自己手中,不过有时候一些提示,真的足以改变你一生。

比如说:运程今天写“你今天适合和喜欢的人表白”。可能这一个人本性是懦弱胆小的,可是看了这一个后,他选择相信并付诸于行动并成功了。你瞧?? 这难道不是它的好处吗???



看了这一个问题,愣了一愣。是吗?? 从来没有想过的问题……或许吧?? 不过,两个瓶子在一起,都太了解对方,反而会没有火花吧??? 或许那一天可以研究一下,到底身边有没有两只瓶子的情侣。=)

今天的瓶子在家昏睡了一天。排除了去看医生的一个小时,剩余的时间几乎都躺在床上。瓶子娘说要飞过来,吓坏瓶子了,结果快快跑去看医生。不过似乎没什么效,至少此时此刻还是觉得……不舒服。昏睡了一天的瓶子,本该选择继续昏睡,可是身体还是不由自主地在这夜深人静的时候起身,然后坐在电脑前,唉~真的是犯贱。瓶子在想:或许瓶子的生理时钟早上才是睡眠时间,因为每每晚上就很精神,早上没睡好就累透了。如果这里上的是夜校那该有多么好?? 不过还是感谢老天爷啦,虽然瓶子是生病了,不过是今早才真的病情加剧,总算是还了瓶子的心愿啦,没在星期一病倒。哈哈哈!您果然有在听瓶子讲话horrr??? 真的不能想象要是星期一病倒的话,是怎么样的?? phew~

p/s: 真相总是多么残酷。不要懂,不想懂并不代表逃避,只不过想让自己开心一点……

Sunday, March 27, 2011


This was the topic I chose in my Grammar presentation last week. We need to show our lecturer 3 pictures and talk whatever you want based on those pictures. The very first I heard this assignment, I was like…. Hmm? What assignment is this ? And the weirdest part for me is we are presenting this face to face, 1 to 1 to our lecturer. Seriously, it is like a consultation more than a presentation for me. Usually we present in front of people, but this time, I’m facing her like facing a shrink than a lecturer. Ha! How weird is it. And this really make me feel nervous and tension.

Anyway, I showed her 2 pictures of hopeless and 1 for hope. And my script only came out 1 hour before my presentation because I have really no idea how to present it 1 to 1. But I think there will be a lot , thousand of grammar mistakes because I know my English sucks and the time I spoke out .. I just ignored those past tense, present tense and whatever tense it is. Hahahah~ Who actually cares those tense right ? The main point of communication is a sender delivers a message to a receiver and the receiver understand what the message is, that’s more than enough right ? ( okie.. I know this is a lie, I just try to comfort myself in this way )

After presented the picture she will ask us few questions. At first I thought that she will only focus on the pictures and ask based on the question. Who knows at last she asked me :

So.. Do you believe that hope still exist in our world nowadays?

Oh my god, this question makes her more like a shrink. Hahaha ! I stunted for 2 seconds and I answered:

“yea.. of course. And bla bla bla … “

Yea yea yea.. I gave her those positive answers. I know that I’m not those kind of optimistic kid but I have to pretend that I am at that moment right ? Otherwise ? I guess no one will answer her “ NO.. I think this world is too dark nowadays ,there is no more hope exist. Everyday we open the newspaper and it shows only crime like murder, rape and disaster like earthquake and tsunami..” Is that anyone dare to tell her with this kind of answer ? I bet NO if they care about their marks. Ha!

People love to hide

People love to lie

People love to wear mask

People love to pretend

It is just because this is how we survive in this society.

They do think that we don’t know they are hiding the truth ?

They do think that we don’t know they are telling a white lie ?

They do think that we don’t know they are wearing a clown mask ?

They do think that we don’t know they are pretending to be the good one ?

We do. We do know that. We all know about that. But we are also pretending we know nothing. This is like … the people go to a newborn baby’s party , no matter how’s the baby looks like. People will just say: “Ou.. she is cute. She is beautiful. She just like an angel .“ No one will say :”how come a new born baby like a monkey ?” No offense to baby yea.. ha !

Do hope really exist ?

Do miracles really exist ?

I think it is better that people believe in themselves rather than rely to hopes or miracles.

p/s: The more you hope, more pain you gain.


喝酒的伴 一起看電影的伴
朋友不能留得太晚 明天要上班
唱K的伴 一起去旅行的伴
我的生活 只差那個人就美滿

快樂少一人分享 快樂就只剩一半
這張被單 這張睡床
沒人分享 幸福就只剩一半

沒有想法 有想法又能怎樣
幾個留言安慰不了 心裡的遺憾
沒有負擔 原來也是種負擔
你羨慕我 那要不要跟我交換

快樂少一人分享 快樂就只剩一半
喝一碗湯 心怎麼都不夠暖
這張被單 這張睡床
沒人分享 幸福就只剩一半
別來提醒 我的孤單



原来这一个因素在瓶子心目中有那么重要哦?? 哈! =) 瓶子的成就感还是建在这么肤浅的事啊~

其次也是早午晚餐的那个伴啦……一个人用餐那种孤单,还真不是盖的难受。而且,就因为这样,让瓶子的晚餐总是不定时……唉~瓶子也懂是借口啦,不过如果有个吃饭的伴,那也就没有借口不吃或延迟啦? 对不??


Friday, March 25, 2011


哈!这是啥无聊的题目? 有够乱七八糟的。管他啦,反正今天瓶子就是不能按牌理出章。严重的缺眠和缺水已经让瓶子失声兼脑袋瓜function 不了。 所以今天杂七乱八的都乱写进来就对了~wahahhaha~



八点二十分,就远离那可怕的课室了。一夜未眠,还要坐在椅子上那么久,瓶子真的会疯掉。结果就走去另外一栋block:PC block跟senior拿回俺那可怜的pendrive.话说是因为昨天不小心漏在桌子了,幸好她们帮我拿了。哈!差点又弄丢了我亲爱的小白君。( 谢谢咯翠茹妹,她应该看不到这。哈!没关系,瓶子有亲口道谢了)没错啦,我我叫她妹,可是却是我的senior.唉~好奇怪这一个感觉。还真的不是很喜欢senior/junior这个称呼。哈!


然后因为七个小时的坐姿,让瓶子的腰杆实在酸的不行。所以今天一直来来回回从PF block 走到PC block.. hahahaha ~ 至少在一个钟头内走了……六次? 拿东西,还东西,上厕所(PF明明有厕所,却偏偏走去另外一栋上,哈!)hahaha~瓶子一坐下来就想睡了啦,不走路舒缓一下,我看真的是随便靠什么都睡着了~ 辛苦啦瓶子的朋友们,一直被瓶子拉去这里那里。嘿嘿嘿嘿~

最可笑的是,十一点回去准备上第二堂课的时候,一进大门就看到我们那克兰迪小姐拿着一个拖把匆匆忙忙地走向课室。我还在想:她该不会要上演什么巫婆骑拖把上天之类的戏码吧?? 结果瓶子一进到课室,就听到一组人惊讶声。原来是她倒翻了瓶子的水瓶。我只记得我站在课室门口,然后全部眼定定地看着我,看我有啥反应。天啊~我的形象还是那么糟吗?? 会为了那水壶大发雷霆?? T.T 最好笑的是听到冰冰说:“本来还想神不知鬼不觉地帮你装回水去,结果你就进来了,就急忙忙地把水壶放回原位。” 哈哈哈哈~冰冰啊,你还是那么好笑啊~


至瓶子亲爱的身体:请您让瓶子多任性几天。然后就好好对待您老人家了,好吗?您可别在这一个时候出啥乱子哦~ =) 身边太多人都生病了(祝福他们^^)

p/s: 啊~多么期待星期一的来临~ 期待期待ing ~(少有吧?)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


熟悉瓶子的人应该都懂瓶子有只毛龟。 顾名思义,它就是因为有毛又是龟,所以瓶子取它为毛龟


毛龟:“你怎么帮我取那么难听的名?? 搞得每个人都在取笑我……我不理啦,我要换名。”

瓶子:“你本身有毛,又是乌龟,不叫毛龟叫什么??” ( 无奈的看着它)


瓶子:(沉思良久……)好呗,那……叫你龟毛好了? 好不??


p/s:原来你是这样想的……就这样?? 原来……








p/s: I want a hug hug ~ Muahahha~

Sunday, March 20, 2011


昨天所有的一切好像都发生的不在计划当中。所有的一切都是临时动议的~哈!比如,突然的去唱歌了(本来应该是做功课的)、又突然的决定来我家睡。这一种潇洒的生活,好像在斗湖哦。因为通常这一种事只有在斗湖做得到。哈! 所以~基本上昨天蛮开心的。就真的感觉在斗湖似的,吃、玩、聊又过了一晚。哈!


A: 好可怜哦,我只有三根头发。
A:哎呀! 只剩下一根了啦。

( 冰冰~你看,这一个是进阶版!!这一个才够力好笑!!!你输了!)


( Ryan: 这一个笑话够热吗?? )








妈妈:“孩子,你怎么不停的哭? 怎么啦,可是有人欺负你??”


p/s: Do you feel what I feel ??

Friday, March 18, 2011


今天在驾车的时候,想到好多好多的小故事、笑话。 都是听过,然后一直留在瓶子海马带的。

今天的雨下得好大好大,雷也打得好凶好凶。老天爷似乎真的对祂的人民很不满呃? =)
回程时, 不敢在驾车的时候让思绪乱跑,所以唯有想一些小故事让自己专心。哈!

A: 总是买不到中意的鞋。 你看你看~ 怎么会有这么丑的鞋?
A: 真搞不懂它的设计师在想些什么? 天啊,你怎么这样对我? 要对漂亮的鞋这么难吗?

B: 至少你要感谢天赐你一双腿,还有赐你声音抱怨。 =)


在过了河过后,我就把她放下了。 可是你却一路把她放在心上到现在……


师傅:“ 瞧? 你不是把她放下了嘛? ”





有个人长得像电话。 有天在街上走下走下……



笑一笑,或许明天,下个星期,下个月又是美好的。 =)
是吗? 也许吧? =)

p/s: Talk to me so that I know what you feel, how you feel. Can I ? Cheers~ =)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

First time ever ~

Well.. What I mentioned in previous post was true ! Today is really such in the hell. After I had the two day journey in heaven, today I'm going back to hell. The only point today actually is all about our DJ presentation. Reached at school as usual at 0645, and then I found out that I had left my note book at home where I write my script in. Faster go up the class and write again in a blank paper. But after that seems so weird because don't really use to it to read from that. ( Well.. Actually I had know what am I going to talk. But it just seems weird if I going in without anything ) Luckily then our Zi hui Jie borrow me her note book ( because our group people use the same note book =) wee~~) , then I re-write again in her notebook. Phew~~~

The presentation should be start on 0830 yet it only able to start from 0900. Then at first we thought that all the people will only use for only 6 minutes ? End up all the first round people use up to 15 minutes. So.. we all were waiting outside like those patient in clinic: wait being called. And we had skipped one class of EMC because of the delay. The main point is we all scared our lecturer will fight with each other. ha! This is a long story. No need to talk about it here. Anyway, end up we just skipped it.

Then every people just energetic early in the morning, then everyone just look tired and exhausted after waiting for a long time. I have another class on 1200, so I decided to go inside and HAE. Because it is so BORING waiting outside the lab. And yea.. the only happy moment for me today perhaps ? Having a lot of fun in class today because we played, drew and talked until 1300. When 1300 she ready to teach us and I left the class. HA ! The only purpose I went in is for HAE remember ? Then continue waiting outside the lab....

( It already passed 5 hours . It is 1400 )

Start starving and gastric-ing. Just don't feel to eat once I haven't done it. And the pain of knee has tortured me the whole morning ( actually is 2 days huh ? ). Mood going so down.


Finally it was my turn. Going inside and talk .. and then the time I step out. Just don't know what happened inside there just now. Just Phew for the smoothly la I think. No any uncertainty happened at least. But just add on some crap in it and try to speed up at the end found 1 or 2 second left at the end before the last song. So just pushed up the BG sound la what to do ? hmmm... And the people who examine us today was really in a very very very very black face. ( YELLING AT HIM : You are only HOT when you smile. Not with a black face !!! ) hohoho ~ Anyway he has really did a very tough job today as he need to stay inside for whole day long without eating and toilet-ing. ha! Pity him..

Then we go the other lab to export our things out then some seniors came and said :
" how long you guys want to use it ? Because we've booked it from 1500-1700 "

OU ! Cool.. Happen again the lab fighting scene. ha! We just ask her go and talk with our lecturer but not us. Who knows the most stupid and funny thing happened was she came in again and said :
" Your lecturer said talk to you all but not him "

WTF !!! What the hell problem with us ? We are not the BOSS. We need to use it because we have to export and due to the delay we can't export on the spot. So this is our fault huh ? OMG ! I can't believe this. Honestly.. That is really the trigger to piss me off today ! * try to ask myself not to get mad easily !!!! * Anyway .. at last I just done with my export and run . Because it is non of our business. Lastly just heard that their guys get what they want. Whatever..

And then ... and then.... erm... Don't know liao.. hahahah ! And then don't know how I get back home. Then only I found a little of relief. Phew~~~

First time ever :

1. Eat only after awake from 9 hours.
2. SO desperate to eat a REAL food instead of junk food.
3. Scare the 胃出血 til the max. Really don't what is in english for that term.
3. Feel that maggie is the most convenient and delicious food ever.
4. Knee pain until I hope to stop my car aside to take a break But it's rain.
6. Jealous on those people who always being fetched by their love one.
7. Hate feeling pops in my mind to that HOT people. ( HAHA,this is funny ! )
8. An inappropriate thought appeared in my mind. ( I know this is insane but.. I just can't stop to think about it. Why ? haiz... )

Lastly : Feel so sorry to my body..


p/s: The only thing I satisfied with today is finally I able to put " way back into love" inside my DJ presentation song list. =)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Beautiful Wednesday

Yesterday which is 15th of March .. I thought that was a beautiful Tuesday because of someone and something.

Today , 16th of March even more beautiful. hahahaha.. It's all depend to me how to define a beautiful day. I bet most of the people will just feel I'm crazy and insane happy on "these" things. hahah !

1. Sleep enough for at least 8 hours.

2. Went to book fair and bought 16 books.

3. ( the most important ) Bought Grey's Anatomy season 2.HOORAY!YEAH !
- Still pending for season 1, 3, 4-

4. Washed my cloth and the Mr Sunshine showed up, didn't play hide and seek with me.

5. Cooked on my own with simple dishes. The point is delicious. ha!

6. Have a very fulfill use DAY.

7. Tomorrow will be our DJ live presentation. And I'm not stress at all because I know
"whatever will be,will be".


p/s: Glad to know you . I mean it. =)

Sunday, March 13, 2011






更难得的是,现在坐在这里写的文章,并不是为了他人而写,不需要咬文嚼字,瞻前顾后,只是纯粹的想要写华语字。哈!听着A-Lin的歌,她是继阿妹后瓶子觉得歌声最具张力的女歌手。听着她的歌,心情还真的是爽呆了。虽然她的歌是走悲情路线的,不过还真的影响不了瓶子现在那……那……轻松跳跃的心情。哈! 瓶子知道这个是很烂的形容词,不过一段日子没写华文字,瓶子词穷了。哈!外提:A-Lin的寂寞不痛真的好听翻了!歌词写得帅翻了!哈哈哈~



NO OFFENSE! hahahaa...

此时此刻好想看Grey's Anatomy 哦,不过要等到至少26th才有最新的。唉~等到瓶子都没气了。

p/s: 哇,没有组织的文字,还真的是乱糟糟的。自个儿看了都不习惯。哈!


Sleep is the easiest action to do in world. You just need to close your eyes, and find a posture that you comfort with. For example: the very common one is lay on a bed. Or maybe you like to sleep on the table, on chair. For me, a wall will do. Ha! Can you imagine that, I really feel much more comfort when I lean against the wall and I really do fall in sleep by that way in class once! OMG! I really miss that moment because I just fall in sleep without knowing. And the time I awake is because of people clapping of the end of the presentation. Hahahha ! By the way, this only works when your lecturer is sitting behind you but not in front of you. So this is a very rare situation.

Anyway.. sleep is the easiest action to do yet also the most uncontrollable action.

You can’t force them to sleep when “THEY” don’t want.

You can’t make them sleep if “THEY” against you.

You can’t beg then to sleep if “THEY” decline to sleep.

THEY” just the KING .

THEY control your sleep, control your emo and control your mind.

Who are “THEY” actually? I’ve no idea at all. Because I’m always be the loser for them.

THEY” are unbeatable and uncontrollable.

Don’t even try to fight them.

Because at last you will find out that you are fighting with nothing. Ha!

p/s:Simply blow water and pour water into my bottle..hiak hiak hiakkk..

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Daily Life

An article of sharing... Sharing of my daily life experience ... No big theory .. No complaining.. No judging anyone.. It's all about sharing.

Heard many times this week : "Sharing is Caring". And the time I said once in this week is when a teacher stand in front of us and said :" hey.. if you feel uncomfortable, because you feel that the people beside you is looking at your answer ..Just voice up." ( this is the time we are taking our PM midterm ) And my answer is : " hey teacher, sharing is caring what ? " =) Nice answer huh ? I guess so..

It's now Saturday night , 2316 and I'm hanging in Starbucks. Firstly is because I can't online at home this few days. Second is because I'm BORED now!!! Well, it is a beautiful Saturday night and I'm doing nothing at home whole day long. There was uncountable nap I've taken today,and uncountable lotion that I applied to my body which are so so so seldom for me. That showed how boring am I. No movies, No assignment ( Actually still have a lot.. But I just want a normal and beautiful weekend so I decide to kick them away today ) , No games , No books. Can you imagine how I pass my Saturday ? hahahaha... One words = BORED ! At night.. then I call back home and chat with my lovely sister nearly 1 hour and finally I decide to go out that room ! At least I get some fresh air outside now. Well, it's not that fresh actually,because it has been mix with the coffee bean smell. hohoh~ And then finally I know the Starbucks line is SUCKS ! I can't loaded the youtube at all, can't download Bones new episode, can't even access Facebook ? What else can I do huh?

OU... Starbucks... Yea!!! it is remembering me about something. My hot , adorable , humorous , smart lecturer. hahahaha.. He is trying to use Starbucks to make my friend betray on me ! He keep asking the people around me how old am I. Am I really look that mature or old to him huh ? Or maybe I should say : Am I really look that old to everyone ? OMG ! I really can't believe it at all ! Anyway, I feel so lucky and relieve that all my friend didn't betray on me ( some of them just don't know my age perhaps ? ). Actually now I'm wondering why don't he just spend me Starbucks then maybe I will tell him huh? hahhaha...

I'm sharing this to one of my BFF and she said: " yea.. you really look more mature among us. The most important point is : your face looks mature but your attitude is exactly a child. " WAO !!! hahahhaa... I did laugh out when I saw this comment. Anyway .. I'm still kinda of sad just because that hot lecturer still calling me "teacher". It HURTS ! T.T I don't want to be old.. Don't you think a little of weird that a lecturer calls his student "teacher" ? IT IS WEIRD !

Another thing that I wanna share is I've found that I really like gossip !!! Is this happens to all the girls? Normally I'm not the one who gossiping , but the one who listen to gossip. I feel so secure when listen to others gossip. hahhaaha ! Everyday listen to one gossip and that's enough to raise my day. hahahaha ! And start from last week only I know actually the whole class of mine is talking and sharing the same gossip but everyone just share it between them, and then when we met and discussed about it only we knew : wao ! everyone is concerning the SAME topic! hahaha.. that's is amazing man ! Honestly.. I really want to know is that real huh ? I need a person who tell me THAT is REAL instead of guessing here and there. hohoho... ANYONE ANYONE ??? I need a GOSSIP now , right away !!!! hiak hiak hiakkk...

p/s : Pray to all the victims in Japan

Thursday, March 3, 2011











可以让瓶子和一般人比较吗?? 一般人的生活……仅此于一般人的生活……

I'm done with all the people I met recently.

I'm done with all of the things happened recently.

I'm done with all the habits with me recently.

I'm done with the insomnia !!!!!

I'm done with EVERYTHING!!

Can you just leave the hell me alone ? Please ?

I'm begging you God. YOU hear me ??

p/s You are not the only one who in the deep black hole. So can you stop yelling in front of me ? I'm done with it !