
Monday, November 30, 2009





今早终于一切一切还算蛮顺利,至少都照自己所拟定地进行。可是不可思议的,那所谓的老师,竟然一直在挑剔我们!!!!一开始我们只是media group,host group才是重点,可是她只说我们错什么错什么。对方完全一句都没说(他们又不见得多好)。到我们是host group的时候,明明我觉得我们那组表现得最好,她竟然还可以也只挑剔我们,然后对media group却只字不提。摆到明只针对我们来给所谓的comment.有必要做到这样吗???以前就知道他针对我们,我都不介意了,可是这一个是一个呈堂表现诶,她怎么可以按着良心,竟然不说我们的优点,却只在鸡蛋里挑骨头????我真的忍无可忍了~我这几个月的修行,努力的忍忍忍,今天真的不行了!忍耐也是有限度的!!!!你他妈的给我去种你的菜,去看你的烹饪书学煮菜,不要在这里误人之弟,丢人现眼!!我为你感到羞耻!!!!你有本事就把我们都当掉,我大不了再重读这科!!!但是我也会想办法让你丢掉饭碗,然后给你备受别人质疑,让你永无宁静之日!!!!



Snoopy said...

kill in dark,
knew that you have plenty of disatisfaction. However do take it as god challenges, you will realise that it just a small matter for you as you grow in the future. please control your temper and don't use some nasty words in blog because it do reflect your personality de.

God bless..

Kid: Kill In Dark said...

Can i know who you are???
I've well enough to control my temper.
But everyone have their own baseline.
And if you feel uncomfortable as you have read some word that is nasty for you ,you can just skip of it or else you can just don't come in and read my blog.
Anyway,thanks for you comment.

Snoopy said...

kill in the dark,
as a friend,
i mean net friend, that i think we should share our feeling together, is quite uncomfortable to read your blog because it seem that our mood will spoil as we read your blog. However, suggest you can express it in a difference way.

Let share a story together.....

a foreigner drive to other country, she over look the signboard and caught with an one way road. However she knew the mistake that she had make and trying to make an U turn. In such a way that she was unable to do so due to the traffic. She had to move on and on until she reached the U turn point after half an hour.

In this situation, they were 3 kind of thinking.

1. Driver that met up middle of the road with her, he was blaming the lady don't know how to drive, simply go into one way road which will cause danger to others.

2. Walker along the roadside. He knew the lady was trying to make a U turn. He wanna help her but he can't do anything because she have passed through him. He can pity on her only.

3. The lady driver. She knew the mistake and trying her best to do her damage control which make a U turn, but she only able to do so after she reached the U turn point after 30 min.

hope you understand what im trying to share with you.

God bless

Kid: Kill In Dark said...

1st thing,if you really net friend then you can just mention your name.
2nd,if you dont dare so because you know you have done something wrong then just keep away from my blog.

As I mention before this,
is your freedom either you want to choose come in to read or not.
A blog create is for ME to write whatever i want.If you feel is not good and will spoil your mood,please just don't come in.
And as you come in here is spoiling MY mood.

I believe that many people will still support me and I don't need a people like YOU that will spoil "everyone" mood. I think you will understand what I mean for everyone here.

Lastly,I hope that you just get away from our life. We don't need a hypocritically people.