
Monday, November 30, 2009





今早终于一切一切还算蛮顺利,至少都照自己所拟定地进行。可是不可思议的,那所谓的老师,竟然一直在挑剔我们!!!!一开始我们只是media group,host group才是重点,可是她只说我们错什么错什么。对方完全一句都没说(他们又不见得多好)。到我们是host group的时候,明明我觉得我们那组表现得最好,她竟然还可以也只挑剔我们,然后对media group却只字不提。摆到明只针对我们来给所谓的comment.有必要做到这样吗???以前就知道他针对我们,我都不介意了,可是这一个是一个呈堂表现诶,她怎么可以按着良心,竟然不说我们的优点,却只在鸡蛋里挑骨头????我真的忍无可忍了~我这几个月的修行,努力的忍忍忍,今天真的不行了!忍耐也是有限度的!!!!你他妈的给我去种你的菜,去看你的烹饪书学煮菜,不要在这里误人之弟,丢人现眼!!我为你感到羞耻!!!!你有本事就把我们都当掉,我大不了再重读这科!!!但是我也会想办法让你丢掉饭碗,然后给你备受别人质疑,让你永无宁静之日!!!!


Friday, November 20, 2009

Station 1

今晚上去了 Station 1 ,听了驻唱歌手,结果爱上了现场听驻唱的感觉。当然前提还是要歌手是唱到好听啦。很幸运的,这一次第一次听驻唱就听到了很好听的歌手,所以留下很好的印象。以上就是两位驻唱歌手,我光明正大的拍的哦。帅哥加美女……实在是一绝。


好期待下一次的XX ……嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻……

Saturday, November 14, 2009





Saturday, November 7, 2009


Finally what??? Finally can online. Yes,have 1 week didn't online at home. Only can online at school. What happen??? The p1 wymax really damn suck!!!! I'm totally regret now for using the p1. After this month I will change..either maxis or digi.. whatever!!!! I'm sure that must be better than p1... Anyone of here.. trust me!!! Don't use p1 anymore.... Cut it cut it cut it!!!! Cut P1!!!!!!!!! Add on the damn shit advertisment.. P1 really have a bad names in Malaysia right now i think. Ok... Fine.. after this month all will be settle down ( i think and hope so ).

Today consider a good day??? Today is our dear May Yi birthday. Yes,we go red box celebrating with her and I think she really quite touching. I wonder is because of the present??? Hahahahaha.... Anyway,just hope all her wishes can come true and of course find her white horse prince ASAP. hehehehehe... Actually I'm sick today but still need to attend it,then can see so how we sayang her liao la.. May Yi big day wo.. Who dare???? hahahaha... No more who care to her today... But will be continue on "who care" next week.

The school has started 3 weeks. Is it have learn something??? Not really... Compare to last sem courses,this sem subjexts are more tough and tough.

1.Management Studies
2.Fundemental of Marketing
4.Mass Communication
5.Web Page Design
6.Writting in Business

Yes,6 subjects al of it. And all of it need to keep on memorising. I'm wonder is it my memory in brain now is enough usage for it or not??? Haiz....

Now... New sem and new teachers. This sem teachers consider good or bad??? erm... no comment I think. Some of it maybe very good but some of it really damn shit. Last time i say so i won't write the teacher's name out as I don't want to put it in my blog. But i really need to compalin her very very much!!! I think she really the most teacher i hate for this moment. Compare to the others I hate before,this one really the most most most most I hate liao. She just came this week and replacing our beloved teacher Miss Leesa. Once she came in our class,we still ok ok.. but once she start talking.. Oh My GOD!!!! Her sound is damn not nice.. ok.. This maybe is just takdir la,can't change de. But she still feel proud of it ( I think ). The way she talk really pride enough.Never and ever met a teacher like this before. Then when she are teaching,she is as fast as rocket but not only aeroplane. Then the funniest part and I really beh tahan her is:that day lecture is quite a lot,and sherush like rocket,this part maybe I can understand. Then 2 hours lecture from 1000am to 1200pm,until almost 1110 then she ALMOST finish. ALMOST here mean she left one slide only,and that slide is just answer and let us to copy down of it. Then what she say this time is :"Let's take a break for 10 minutes." What the hell are she doing huh??? Why don't she just finish that part as just use 5 minutes and then let us go??? Then she going out for break. What did I do is, I go in fornt the computer and press the next slide out,then all the people is copying the answer down. All the people having the same thinking. I really hate this!!!!
I think there is no more motivation to let me go for the class early in the morning on Tuesday. Haiz...

The mid term is coming soon again.. Hope so can score it nicely... Be smart and be tough lo Wendy... :)